Thursday, 15 August 2013

Dating Benjamin Schmidt

Since things went so well with Benjamin the first time, Miriam decided to invite him over. They stood in her kitchen and just talked. Benjamin definitely needs a makeover at some point.

Miriam thought things were going so well, that she went a little too far for a first date.

This is not a happy face.

Benjamin was not happy at all. Apparently he thought they were just friends? Anyway, he left shortly after that, and Miriam was left unhappy and confused. She didn't understand why Benjamin was not receptive to the kiss. He had been more than happy to flirt with her for a whole afternoon before.

Miriam left Benjamin alone for awhile and continued to work on her novels and make some more money to further furnish her house. She's written two Science Fiction novels so far, and improved her writing skill significantly.

The season changed to fall and then winter before Miriam heard from Benjamin again. This time, he called to ask her on a date. Since the Winter Festival was in town, Miriam suggested they go ice skating there.

Benjamin showed up, not properly dressed for the season. He was probably freezing. But he appeared to have a change of heart about Miriam, because instead of going skating, he started flirting with her. Miriam thought it might be best to try again for that first kiss. She does have the Brave trait.

It went much better this time.

Building a House

Miriam has been hard at work on improving her writing and earning some money so she can afford a house. This is what her hard earned cash has gotten her.

It's pretty hideous so far. I built it off to the side of the lot, so I would room to expand and build a nicer house from scratch once Miriam and her future family have more funds. This starter house is built using roof pieces on the ground for the main structure, with walls connecting the roofing together to give it a finished room look. Miriam will, afterall, need to be sheltered from the elements. Winter is coming.

As you can see, the floor plan is nothing fancy. Miriam has the basics she needs to survive. Most of the house is just one large room, with the exception of a separate bathroom. This is because Miriam expects to have some company every now and then. Also, you can see I didn't recolour any objects. I figured I'm going to build her a bigger and better house from scratch anyway, so there was no point.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Benjamin Schmidt

Miriam took a taxi over to the Schmidt residence.

(Not a bad looking house for EA)

Miriam is Brave, so she had no qualms about going over without knowing him first. She needed to get to know more people in the neighbourhood after all. And it would be better for her if these new people she met were single men.

Anyway, Benjamin Schmidt came out of his house to meet her and invited Miriam inside.

Miriam stared at him creepily from behind as they walked into the house. He really isn't that bad looking. He might be a good partner for Miriam. It depends on how they interact.

 Miriam: How do you think I'd look with wings?

Miriam starts out chatting with Benjamin and makes a lot a weird gestures.

Benjamin: I think your wingspan would need to be a little bit wider...

Benjamin reacted well and the two really start to hit it off. So much so, that without prompting from me, the two immediately started flirting. Also, it appears that Benjamin has a dog named Ralston. Miriam is not sure how she feels about that. She might not be ready for a dog yet. After all, she's still living in the fire department.

Bejamin: It was really brave of you to come to over to my house. I'll admit, it was a little weird at first, but  I think you're pretty awesome.

Miriam: I think you're pretty awesome too. I'd love to get to know you better.

They kept up the unprompted flirting for awhile, before I eventually sent Miriam home. It looks like Miriam has forgot about her brief encounter with Booker Singleton.